Interviewing a Flight Medic

Interviewing a Flight Medic




Interviewing a Flight Medic

Length: One hour

CEUs: 0.1

Description:  The advent of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) has opened the door for care that is often superior to what can be done on the ground. Most providers will look to the speed of transport as the benefit that a helicopter can offer. This lesson is designed to allow the Ground Emergency Medical Service (GEMS) Provider a chance to think differently about HEMS.

This interview sheds some light on how just one Flight Medic approaches her job. This enlightening talk will offer a GEMS provider the opportunity to value not just what HEMS can do for the patient, but some insight as to how the people on the aircraft can make a difference to the persons in need of assistance.

This course strives to bring prehospital providers current with the most commonly implanted devices at the time – this course will not cover every device that a prehospital provider may encounter.

Following successful completion of the material, the provider should feel comfortable recognizing the VAD patient when encountered in the community, have an understanding of the basic VAD components, be able to assess the VAD patient’s hemodynamic status, and be able to deliver care in the prehospital setting.

This training is primarily designed to assist paramedic providers as they care for patients in the prehospital environment.

Skills Videos: N/A