Bleeding – Paramedic Overview
als pharmacology
Bleeding – Paramedic Overview
Length: Two hours
CEUs: 0.2
Description: Clinical Pharmacologist, Nicole Acquisto, spends time in the classroom with four experienced paramedics. In this session she reviews the ALS management of the Bleeding Cascade and briefly reviews Thromboelastography.
Skills Videos: N/A
Fee: $8
Collaborative Protocol Update – Ketamine
als adult medicine
Collaborative Protocol Update – Ketamine
Length: 36 minutes
CEUs: 0.06
Description: This course is designed to be taken by all ALS providers in the MLREMS region as an addition module for the 2017 NYS Collaborative Protocol update.
A score of 70% is required to pass the exam which follows.
Skills Videos: N/A
Fee: $4
Child Maltreatment for EMS Providers
abuse & assault
als pediatrics & obstetrics
bls pediatrics & obstetrics
Child Maltreatment for EMS Providers
Length: One hour
CEUs: 0.1
Description: Child Abuse Pediatrician Dr. E. Murray discusses some of the key issues that EMS providers must consider when caring for abused children.
Skills Videos: N/A
Fee: $4
Children with Special Health Care Needs: Assessments Part I
special populations
als pediatrics & obstetrics
bls pediatrics & obstetrics
Children with Special Health Care Needs: Assessments Part I
Length: One hour
CEUs: 0.1
Description: This is the first lesson in a series that offers two opportunities. You have the opportunity to learn from a medical professional and the opportunity to learn from an experienced and caring mother. Listen carefully in this first lesson and consider what should be done for all medically fragile children. Final Exam: This multiple-choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have two attempts to gain an 70% or higher on this exam. Please take your time and answer each question carefully.
Skills Videos: N/A
Fee: $4
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