BLS Core Content
BLS Providers may find Core Content which is designed for their job-functions in the Universal Prehospital Medicine or the Fundamentals of Prehospital Medicine Categories.
Constructing: FAST-ED Overview
Professor of Emergency Medicine and Chief of the Division of Prehospital Medicine at the University of Rochester, Jeremy Cushman, brings his experienced team of prehospital providers together to discuss the benefits of Field Assessment Stroke Triage for Emergency Destination (FAST-ED). You will want to take notes and download your favorite smartphone app. This lesson is sure to spark an excellent discussion with your training officers and/or medical director(s).
Final Exam: This multiple choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have two attempts to gain an 80% or higher on this exam. Please utilize the smartphone app of your choosing and take your time and answer each question carefully.
MSU BLS Overview
Monroe County, in Western New York, has obtained its first Mobile Stroke Unit (MSU). “The construction and operating costs of the unit, which was custom built by Frazer Ltd. in Houston, are being funded by UR Medicine and philanthropy, including a lead gift from Elena Prokupets and support from the Del Monte family and other donors in the Rochester community.” We gathered members of this talented team to show you how your BLS assessment and treatment of potential stroke patients may be affected in any community that has a similar unit.
Final Exam: This multiple-choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have two attempts to gain an 80% or higher on this exam. Please take your time and answer each question carefully.
Neurogenic Shock Reviewed
Terms that are commonly heard, such as neurogenic shock and spinal shock often confuse EMS providers. Knowing the meaning of each term is only the beginning. In this overview, Dr. Jeremy Cushman offers a few pearls of wisdom that will assist EMS providers of all levels with the secondary assessment of patients who may have suffered life-threatening spinal trauma. Test: This multiple choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have one attempt to gain an 70% or higher on this exam. Please take your time and answer each question carefully.
Stroke—Overview for BLS Providers
It is always a benefit to be able to speak with an experienced paramedic and gain their opinions on pre-hospital care. Medical Director, Jeremy Cushman, puts on his paramedic hat and offers opinions on one of the most time sensitive emergencies that we see in the pre-hospital setting. Join us in a discussion that defines Stroke and discusses why recognition, communication, treatment, and transport is so vital to our patients’ success. Final Exam: This multiple-choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have two attempts to gain an 80% or higher on this exam. Please take your time and answer each question carefully.