BLS Core Content
BLS Providers may find Core Content which is designed for their job-functions in the Universal Prehospital Medicine or the Fundamentals of Prehospital Medicine Categories.
VAD Educational Updates for the Prehospital Care Provider
Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) are not new devices. In fact, the first successful use of such a device was described in 1966. Since then, and particularly in the past few years, VAD design and safety has improved significantly and are now commonly implanted devices.
This course strives to bring prehospital providers current with the most commonly implanted devices at the time – this course will not cover every device that a prehospital provider may encounter.
Following successful completion of the material, the provider should feel comfortable recognizing the VAD patient when encountered in the community, have an understanding of the basic VAD components, be able to assess the VAD patient’s hemodynamic status, and be able to deliver care in the prehospital setting.
Commotio Cordis
Paramedic Instructor Peter Bonadonna discusses his thoughts on Commotio Cordis in an effort to orient EMTs that are not familiar with the phenomena.